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2026년 동계올림픽 이탈리아 밀라노, 코르티나 개최지 확정, PalaItalia에서 Olympic Village까지 2026 올림픽 : 밀라노가 어떻게 변할 것인가?

PalaItalia The Winter Olympics of 2026 will take place in Milan and Cortina: the IOC has decided, voting for the Italian candidacy in Lausanne and preferring it to that of Stockholm-Aare. Italy will return to organize an edition of the Olympics, 20 years after the Turin 2006 Winter Games. The most well-known redevelopment project linked to the 2026 Olympic Games is the construction of PalaItalia in the Santa Giulia district, on the south-east outskirts of the city. The 15 thousand seat Arena is a private structure that is part of a larger redevelopment project, called Montecity-Rogoredo. Design and construction are entrusted to Risanamento, which, just a week after the expected vote by the IOC, announced that it had signed a pact with the Australian company Lendlease and Ogv Europe Limited for the construction of the Palazzetto. The processing phases involve the approval of the integrated intervention plan by the municipal council and that of the reclamation project, therefore in 2020 the redevelopment of the area will be started. The start of works is scheduled for January 2021 and completion in December 2023. It will cost 70 million euros. The mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, had made it clear in advance that the construction of the plant was planned "regardless of the outcome of the assignment to Milan-Cortina of the Olympics".

The Olympic Village The construction of the Olympic Village, which is part of the redevelopment project for the Porta Romana Railway Station, will also have a major impact on the appearance of the southern suburbs. It will host the athletes competing in Milan on an area of 19 hectares. There are seven railways in total that will change face in the city, according to the Urban Development Plan for 2030. Responsible for the design and construction process is Fs Sistemi Urbani, a company 100% controlled by Ferrovie dello Stato. The Olympic Village, with 1260 beds with 70 single rooms and 630 double rooms, should be completed eight months before the opening of the Games. The start of construction sites is scheduled for June 2022. The future of the structure after the Olympics has also been decided: it will be transformed into a residential campus for students, obviating the historic shortage of housing for university students.

The Palasharp The rebirth of the Palasharp (in a state of neglect for eight years) is another long-awaited redevelopment involving Lampugnano. It will become the Milan Hockey Arena. Born in 1985 as Palatrussardi (later also Palavobis and Mazdapalace), the eight-thousand-seat facility has long hosted sporting events, especially basketball games, and hundreds of concerts, including the historic ones of Frank Sinatra and Nirvana. In recent years, part of the plant has served as a municipal shelter for the homeless, but now its future should be linked to sport again. The investment, of over seven million euros, will be almost entirely at private expense. The works are scheduled to start in December 2020 and the plant opens in October 2021.

Mediolanum Forum di Assago Also the Mediolanum Forum of Assago by 2026 should be expanded to accommodate figure skating and the short track. The IOC technicians have examined the structure that will be set up. From the central runway, which is located 4.60 meters above the ground and the secondary level, on the ground floor. "Both are regulations - they had specified -. The difference is that the first also has 12 thousand seats, the other not ". Here the sports activity on ice is in the hands of Federica Pesenti's Ilcelab. The committee was "fairly certain" of the validity of the Mediolanum Forum to host the Olympic competitions. In his favor the recent Figure Skating World Championship, which took place in Assago.

Allianz Cloud (formerly Palalido) At the Allianz Cloud (formerly Palalido), after the ribbon-cutting ceremony last June 14, the works will be completed in the first few months of 2020: various sports competitions could take place here. Once finished, the multifunctional and modular facility designed by the Teco + and Acr studios will host just over five thousand spectators, six locker rooms, two ticket offices, a hospitality area, four sky boxes, three bars, and as many elevators. Among the strengths of the new building, the design structure, the photovoltaic and insulation panels, the lighting with LED technology and the modularity of the heating system for a work that focuses on energy saving. The spaces have been designed for full accessibility not only for the spectator with disabilities, but also for the athlete with a disability and for other users of the sports facility.

The Meazza stadium Despite the announced demolition of the stadium by Milan and Inter, in the Milan-Cortina dossier it is guaranteed that in 2026 the San Siro will host the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. Mayor Sala confirmed: "After the Games, if we have a new stadium, we will decide the future of San Siro."

Medal Plaza There are two medal plaza for the Olympics: in Milan the awards will take place in Piazza Duomo, in Cortina in the De Rigo sports field. The Milan-Valtellina cluster plans to host 2,756 athletes and technicians and to award 46 medals. On the governance of the event Sala excludes the joint-stock company as for Expo. Better a mission structure or a foundation, says Fontana, which reaffirms the difficulty of when there are too many heads to decide. For the Milanese medal plaza there are about 240 thousand dollars for the set-up.

Bormio, Sondrio and Livigno The impact of the allocation of the 2026 Games in Milan-Cortina is also felt in Valtellina, where one of the Olympic clusters will be built between Bormio and Livigno. Three significant works could be carried out in the area: the recovery of the former hospital in Bormio, the construction of the Olympic Village in Livigno (almost 50 million dollars) and the completion of the Sondrio ring road. After the end of the event, the temporary component of the Livigno Village will be reused by the civil defense, while the permanent residential buildings, which can accommodate up to three hundred people, will constitute a training and physical training center for professional athletes.

(corriere della sera)

2024년 밀라노 코르티나 동계올림픽관련 사항 정리

1. 개최일자 및 장소: 2026년 2월6일금요일 산시로경기장에서 개막식 2월 22일 일요일에 폐막식을 하고, 밀라노, 그리고 Lecco지나서 있는 Bormio, Livigno, 그리고 Dolomiti의 Cortina에 걸쳐 경기가 개최됨

2. 주경기장 : PalaItalia : Milano 시내 Rogoredo쪽에 15,000석규모의 arena를 건설

3. 선수촌 : il Villaggio Olimpico : Milano시내의 Porta Romana에 있는 이탈리아철도청소유의 땅으로 현재 페쇄되어 방치되어서 미관을 해치고 있는 선로부분을 철거하고 거기에 1,260 beds의 숙소를 건설한 후에, 경기가 끝난 후에는, 밀라노의 미래를 위하여 전세계유학생들을 더 유인하기 위하여 70 single rooms와 630개의 double rooms을 대학생기숙사로 공급하여, 런던이나 파리의 학생기숙사에 버금가는 숙소를 확보하는 용도로 사용할 예정

4. 보조 경기장 : 1) il Palasharp : Milano시내의 Lampugnano지하철역에 있는 기존의 체육관에 7백만유로가량의 기업투자를 받아서 보조경기장으로 활용 2) Mediolanum Forum : Milano남쪽의 Assago에 있는 이 경기장에서 사실상 한국에게는 가장 큰 관심사인 쇼트트랙경기를 개최할 예정인데, 피겨스케이팅도 여기서 할 예정으로 12,000 석의 관중석보유 3) Allianza Cloud ( Ex- Palalido ) : 며칠전인 지지난주 금요일(6월 14일) 재개장한 이 곳도 추가추자 없이 보조 경기장으로 활용 4) Lo Stadio Meazza : 우리에게는 Serie A의 Inter와 AC Milan의 주경기장으로 나무나 유명한 산시로경기장인 이곳에서 개막식이 열릴 예정 5) Bormio, Sondrio, Livigno : Milano의 복쪽 알프스 산록에 위치한 도시들인 Bormio의 종합병원자리를 재보수를 하고, 5천만$투자예정으로 경기후 300석규모의 숙박시설 및 보안시설로 활용될 리비뇨지역에 올림픽선수촌 건설, 그리고 그간 지지부진하던 Sondrio시의 순환도로( tangenziale) 완성이 이루어지는데, 특히, 경기후에는 병원 및 선수촌시설등을 이탈리아국가대표선수촌으로 활용을 할 예정임

5. 시상식 : 2756명의 선수가 참여하여 46개의 메달이 걸려있는 밀라노및 주위에서 열리는 종목의 경우는 두오모광장에서 열리고, 나머지는 코르타나의 Campo Sportivo De Rigo에서 거행


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